ASE Test Prep – A8 Engine Performance
Published 01/2023
The ASE A8 Engine Performance study guide book and practice test by Motor Age Training provides technicians the knowledge and know how to successfully take and pass the ASE certification exam. Our A8 book includes the ASE certification task list for the car and light truck Engine Performance certification exam. The task list outlines the topics technicians will be tested on during the ASE A8 certification exam. The A8 study guide provides detailed information, step-by-step explanations and examples supporting the topics technicians are expected to face during the actual ASE exam.
The topics covered in this edition of the ASE Study Guide are:
- General Diagnosis
- Ignition System Diagnosis And Repair
- Fuel, Air Induction And Exhaust Systems Diagnosis And Repair
- Emissions Control Systems Diagnosis And Repair
- Computerized Engine Controls Diagnosis And Repair
The back of the book contains an ASE practice test with questions written in the exact style of the ASE certification exam. The practice test questions are perfect for measuring the knowledge of the required information.
Publication Date: January 2023
Book Type: Spiral Bound
ISBN: 978-1-950119-15-8
Pages : 122 (including task list, glossary, practice test)
Published 01/2023
The ASE A8 Engine Performance study guide book and practice test by Motor Age Training provides technicians the knowledge and know how to successfully take and pass the ASE certification exam. Our A8 book includes the ASE certification task list for the car and light truck Engine Performance certification exam. The task list outlines the topics technicians will be tested on during the ASE A8 certification exam. The A8 study guide provides detailed information, step-by-step explanations and examples supporting the topics technicians are expected to face during the actual ASE exam.
The topics covered in this edition of the ASE Study Guide are:
- General Diagnosis
- Ignition System Diagnosis And Repair
- Fuel, Air Induction And Exhaust Systems Diagnosis And Repair
- Emissions Control Systems Diagnosis And Repair
- Computerized Engine Controls Diagnosis And Repair
This eBook includes an online practice test with questions written in the exact style of the ASE certification exam. The practice test questions are perfect for measuring the knowledge of the required information.
PLEASE NOTE: You WILL NOT be able to download a digital version of this booklet. These limitations are intentional to help us protect our product copyright.
Publication Date: January 2023
ISBN: 978-1-950119-15-8
If you do drivability work at your shop this ASE Test Prep video and accompanying Test Prep Study Guide is for you. While many test prep programs simply go through a sample list of questions you “might” find on an ASE test, instructor Dave Hobbs takes the “show me” approach as he passes along his experience in the bay with engine performance problems. Using parts, tools of the trade, and hands-on exercises he covers every topic, including up-to-date ignition, fuel injection, starting, charging and emission systems. In the sample test questions Dave uses an OBD II fuel injection simulator, multi meter, scan tool and lab scope to drive home the points that will help you understand the topics that will come up in the ASE A8 test. Why memorize test question answers when you can learn the necessary subjects in a practical and hands on manner? Whether you’re a veteran wishing to brush-up or update yourself on engine performance or taking the ASE A8 for the first time, this in-depth course is guaranteed to be time and money well spent!
Note: This online video also includes access to the ASE A8 Test Prep Study Guide E-Book version.
Runtime: 420 minutes
E-Book Format: Abobe Acrobat PDF (Not downloadable; may only be viewed online)
Published 01/2023
The ASE A8 Engine Performance study guide book and practice test by Motor Age Training provides technicians the knowledge and know how to successfully take and pass the ASE certification exam. Our A8 book includes the ASE certification task list for the car and light truck Engine Performance certification exam. The task list outlines the topics technicians will be tested on during the ASE A8 certification exam. The A8 study guide provides detailed information, step-by-step explanations and examples supporting the topics technicians are expected to face during the actual ASE exam.
The topics covered in this edition of the ASE Study Guide are:
- General Diagnosis
- Ignition System Diagnosis And Repair
- Fuel, Air Induction And Exhaust Systems Diagnosis And Repair
- Emissions Control Systems Diagnosis And Repair
- Computerized Engine Controls Diagnosis And Repair
In addition to the easy-to-read text, the Motor Age ASE car and light truck A8 study guide provides an ASE practice test, perfect for gauging your knowledge of the material covered in the book. You’ll also find the guide to be handy for quick reference after you’ve successfully taken the ASE certification exam.
Publication Date: January 2023
Book Type: Spiral Bound
Pages: 122 (including task list, glossary, practice test)
DVD Covers
Instructor Dave Hobbs takes the “show me” approach as he passes along his experience in the bay with engine performance problems. Using parts, tools of the trade, and hands-on exercises he covers every topic, including up-to-date ignition, fuel injection, starting, charging and emission systems.
In the sample test questions Dave uses an OBD II fuel injection simulator, multi meter, scan tool and lab scope to drive home the points that will help you understand the topics that will come up in the ASE A8 test. Why memorize test question answers when you can learn the necessary subjects in a practical and hands on manner? Whether you’re a veteran wishing to brush-up or update yourself on engine performance or taking the ASE A8 for the first time, this in-depth course is guaranteed to be time and money well spent!
Runtime: 420 minutes (5 Discs)
Prepare for the A8 exam with our Engine Performance practice test
The Motor Age Training ASE practice test provides technicians with a full 85 question practice test exam. This practice test is the perfect way to gauge your knowledge of the topics technicians face during the Engine Performance certification exam. Our ASE A8 practice test includes questions that reference the ASE A8 Study Guide and task list.
The practice test covers:
- General Diagnosis
- Ignition System Diagnosis And Repair
- Fuel, Air Induction And Exhaust Systems Diagnosis And Repair
- Emissions Control Systems Diagnosis And Repair
- Computerized Engine Controls Diagnosis And Repair