Shop Management: Finding Talent
Are you facing difficulties finding great techs in the current tech shortage? You aren’t alone and we are here to help! Digital marketing is imperative to your shop’s success in not only obtaining new customers, but finding talented technicians. In this webinar, you will learn the importance of your shop’s website and how search engine optimization plays a key role in recruiting, as well as how it impacts your bottom line. Join Margaret Palango, CEO of Autoshop Solutions and Pete Meier of Motor Age Training at 7 p.m. EST on Tuesday, October 18, for this important webinar!
Based in Apex, North Carolina, Palango has overseen and been a key catalyst in Autoshop Solutions’ growth into the award-winning website design and internet marketing agency it is today. Margaret has been a part of Autoshop Solutions for over 16 years and leads all of Autoshop Solutions corporate marketing initiatives, as it continues to be the industry’s gold standard for internet marketing solutions.